Right now I am waiting for teens to come home. Always a fun time of night for me. Brit worked until 11 and should be on her way home and Ash is due home by 12, which of course she will push right to that moment! ha ha. I keep wondering..... did I do that too when I was a teen? Due in at a certain time and walk in right on the dot?!? Probably, but I would like to say that I didn't. ha ha
Would love to get that answer from Mom, but she is gone, unfortunately. Not about to ask Dad because whether I did or not, he would swear I did! @@ <--------- that is an eye roll!
Loving my new tv that I got for my birthday a few weeks ago. A nice 50" plasma. Watched Avatar on it tonight and Wow was it crisp!! Great movie too!
Yay, a car pulled in which means one teen home, one to go! It's Britney, of course, since she was just coming home from work. Well, I'm off to hear about her night at work. :)