Is it bad when sometimes I find myself actually reminding myself to breathe?!?
Some days it just seems that I can't catch my breath. It's as if a big weight has been placed on my chest and I just can't get it off. It's a combination of stress & grief, I suppose.
I miss my Mom! I would like to say that after almost 5 years (on Feb. 19th), that it has gotten easier. However, I am finding that is not really true. Perhaps in some ways I have just learned to deal with the grief and carry on my everyday life. But, those times when I sit alone and my mind has a chance to wander, it's all right there exactly where I left it!
I told myself when I started this blog site that I would not turn this into a blog about my grief, but my grief is part of who I am. This is a blog about me, my life, my family, therefore, I am not going to fight it anymore and strive to make this blog mostly positive. It is what it is and I usually feel better when I put things in writing. At the moment, this is the best venue for me to get things out. I started an online journal after Mom died in 2006. I wrote in it off and on as I do here, but it was mostly negative and about what I was going through. I look back at it sometimes and do realize that in many ways I have improved.
I did some stupid, crazy things after Mom died. I was self-destructing slowly and I allowed it to happen until I finally hit rock bottom. Nobody could help me and I didn't really want the help. Thank God I have a husband that truly loves me with everything in him, because most men would never have stuck by me after some of the stupid stuff I did. So grateful for Pat and his unconditional, undying love! He is my rock!
Almost 5 years later, I am at least glad that I have learned better ways to deal with my grief. Oh, it's still there and it's still strong, but I am a changed person. I am realizing that after the loss of my Mom, I will never be the same person I used to be when she was here. I am forever changed by the death of the most important woman in my life: My mom, my best friend, my hero!
A few years after Mom passed, Dad was diagnosed with cancer. Today, he is doing pretty well. But my fear of losing him is so high, that at times it is probably over the top. Something in me just feels as if I will also lose him way before I should and to the same horrible disease that took my Mom when I was only 36 years old! My fear with Dad is that if it comes back, he won't even tell us and just let it take him. He has practically said that if it ever came back he would not bother with treatment again. I pray that is not how he really feels, but I know my Dad and chances are he is being completely honest about that. So I pray every day that his cancer stays in remission. I need him to be here as the girls go into their adult life. I need him to see them walk down the aisle on their wedding days.
Today, I spent some time with my Grandmom (Mom's mom). She will be 91 on February 2nd. I am amazed by her. She is such an awesome woman. She had 9 children (5 boys & 4 girls). She has already buried 4 of those children (3 girls & 1 boy). My Mom was the most recent of her children to die. I remember asking her sometime after Mom passed, how she got through it all. I mean, burying your children is just not the way it is supposed to be. Her response was faith & prayer. I sometimes wish I had her faith, but that is just something I will never have enough of.
It's this time of night when I am at my worst. Everyone else in the house has gone to bed. I, of course, have had insomnia practically my whole life and it has gotten so much worse since Mom's death. My mind never stops. Is there a shut off button somewhere that I am missing?? I so with there was! Tonight, I fight back the tears. The tears that come so often when nobody is watching. The tears that my family will never realize exist. Always strong for them, but inside, I am so weak! I am feeling physically & emotionally drained, as usual. I will head to bed, where I will lay and watch the clock for hours regardless of how tired I may feel. Someday, I hope to be able to go to bed and actually fall asleep easily. That will be a day worth celebrating!!
Good Night!