Raining again! Ugh! Sick of rain since it has done it a lot in the last weeks. It's also very chilly out. The kind of day where you want to stay in bed. I didn't though. LOL I took an Ambien last night to get sleep. I'm tired of insomnia and need to find ways to sleep. My lack of sleep even contributes to my weight, which sucks!! So, I had enough last night and broke down and took one even though it was a school night. The girls are great about getting up and going without me. I still woke up, but stayed in bed and texted them to make sure they were up and moving. All went well. I stayed in bed until about 9 and then had to get up because of a major coughing fit. I'm feeling like such crap today. Ugh!
Britney's birthday is on Sunday. Can't believe she will be 17 and driving. She goes for her road test on Monday morning. Very scary time for me as her mom, but a very exciting time for her! I'm sure she will do great as she is very responsible, but I know it will just add more stress and worry to my life. I can't help but wonder how my mom did this! LOL
I'm in the process of trying to plan Ashley's Sweet 16 party. We are having such a hard time finding a resonably priced place to rent. Everyone wants around $400 just to rent the hall. Ugh!! We figure once we add in the hall rental, food, etc... we are looking at a party that will cost over $1000, right after Christmas! Ashley keeps telling us to push it back some and she doesn't care if it's on her birthday or not. I would hate to do that though. Guess I care more than she does when it comes to that. I want her 16th to be special and since she was born 4 days after Christmas, most of her birthdays have been a flop! I don't want her 16th to be a flop, it needs to be memorable!
Oh well, I suppose things will fall into line at some point.
It's raining really good now. I was going to wander out to get the mail, but it's a bit messy at the moment out there. Guess I'll wait. Wish I was the kind of person that could nap, because that is what I would be doing right now. LOL