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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mom's Things

Last night I had Dad over for dinner, which I do often so that is nothing new. He brought two big boxes with him of Mom's knick knacks, snowglobes, etc... I have yet to go through them. Mom loved snowglobes and I probably bought her 90% of the ones she had. I am planning to put all of her snowglobes out in my craft room where at the moment I have two empty shelves to fill. Was going to put dolls on them, but I think this would be better. He also told me he found their cake top from their wedding and a candle from the wedding. He is going to give those to me now as well. I love having Mom's things, but will be honest that it tends to make me sadder sometimes. Maybe it's just the initial having to go through the stuff and set it up. Hoping that is all it is anyway and that once I have things in their place the sadness will subside again.

I have been thinking about Mom a lot in the last month or so again. I'm not sure if it's the girls growing up and I'm sad that she isn't here to share this with me or what. Maybe it's band season because Mom's favorite thing was marching band when I was in high school. Heck, she even stayed with the band after I graduated for a couple of years back then. LOL She would be the biggest, loudest fan in the stands watching our band now! Sigh... Oh well, life goes on, right?


Tammy said...

I think once the initial reaction to unpacking them is will be able to look at all those snowglobes and smile. Knowing how much she enjoyed them and would want you to enjoy them as well!

Kim said...

Thank you Tammy! I got through it and they are now proudly displayed on one of the shelves in my craft room. Dad gave me a lot of stuff... some a bit weird to give me and we all sort of laughed at some of it, so it was nice!

Vicki said...

I'm glad for the few things I ended up with of my Mother's. Some things still make me sad to look at sometimes but a lot of what I have sitting around my house makes me smile. It's different for me, though, because I didn't have the relationship with my Mother that you had with your's and it's been so long ago.

How many snowglobes did she have? I collect them, too, but haven't been putting them all out since I had Landon.

Kim said...

Thanks Vicki!
Actually there weren't as many as I thought there should be, so not sure where the rest are. I ended up with about 7 of them, I think. I put them all on one shelf. Will have to take a picture to share! :)