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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Loss & other things

We buried my Grandmom on Thursday.  Was a very tough day and yet another one that made me realize how quickly a family can shrink.  I have lost so many people in the past 9 years or so that it's just crazy.  Of course, Grandmom's passing wasn't something we didn't expect considering she was 93 years old, but still never easy.   She was the matriarch of my Mom's side of the family.   I think part of me never believed she could actually die.  But of course that is silly thinking and the reality of it all is that everyone does die eventually.   Just so glad that she had such a long life unlike Mom did.   They are together now creating chaos I am sure!!   RIP Grandmom.  You will be forever loved & missed!

As for the other things..............   I love my life!   I have a wonderful husband who is my whole world.  Awesome kids & grandkids.   Yes, I am truly blessed despite the losses I have had in my life.
I have made the decision that my life is just too good to spend it miserable, depressed and harping on the losses in it.   So I am adopting a new, positive attitude.  Do not get me wrong, things will happen in life that will still make me sad, bring me down, challenge me, etc...   but I am making the choice to meet those challenges head on with as positive as an outlook as I possibly can.   I do know some things will be virtually impossible to be positive about, so at this point hoping none of those come my way any time soon again.

My positive note for the day, do not surround yourself with negative people or those full of drama.  It just drains you in the end.   Positive outlook on life gives you energy & makes you feel good.  Embrace it!!

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