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Monday, January 26, 2009

Just things....

Well, the diet is still going. Total loss so far of just under 15 pounds. I'm happy about that, but still wish it were more and faster. I know, I know... slow is best. LOL

Britney started her new job last week. Not sure yet how this one will work out. I'll admit to not being too happy about it being 20 minutes away when she could be working in town (5 minutes away). Oh well, guess all I can do is wait and see how it goes.

Ashley is on the job hunt now that she is 16. Unfortunately, not many places are hiring these days. The economy sucks and it's being felt all over.

Some exciting stuff..... we are going on a cruise. It will be our first ever and I pray that we like it. We will be going in July. If we like it, hopefully we will do it more often and next time go for a longer one too.

I'm finding that I have little patience these days for some reason. Maybe it's the diet, I don't know. I just know that even the little things are bothering me. Maybe it's the anniversary of Mom's death coming up too?!? Maybe it's that everything seems to be changing so quickly these days?!? I don't know, but it's definitely something going on with me. Ugh!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First of 2009

Well, it's a new year and I hadn't posted anything yet, so figured it was time. Not that there is much to post about. LOL

The New Year started out pretty good. I can't complain. Hoping for a great 2009. Pat and I are back on a diet. Of course we do this every January, so we shall see how it goes. LOL I've been doing some treadmill work too. It's exhausting. I hate exercise, I admit it. LOL

Girls went back to school on Monday. I was sorry to see the break end. I enjoy their time off and the sleeping in a bit. Oh well, not long till summer is here, right? LOL

The girls and I did a lot of talking over the break about their futures. I think Ashley still isn't sure completely what she wants but she said she wants to learn cosmetology or possibly fashion/design. She is applying to votech for the 1/2 day program for her junior and senior year. If she gets in, she will take one of those two things and attend votech for 1/2 a day and her high school for 1/2 a day. I think it's a good move for her. Britney also shocked me a bit, although I do see it with her. She wants to study cosmetology for sure. She loves hair and make up. She loves doing everyone else's and is pretty good at it already. She figures if she studies that, she can use it in the theatre field as well. She can perform and also be a hair and make up person. LOL She is 100% sure of her choice and already discussed it with JD and everything. I support the girls' decisions completely. I just want them to do something and be sure of what they want. Brit is going to try to do votech her senior year for the 1/2 day and finish up the year after. If she can't get in because she should have applied for junior year, she will do two years of cosmetology after she graduates next year, as two years of college. We shall see!

Jen & Gian are up from NC for a couple of weeks. They came up last weekend. We had Gian Saturday night by ourselves. He is such a good baby. He slept for 10 1/2 hours overnight. Unbelievable. LOL I did forget how exhausting an infant can be, even a very good one. LOL Now that he is mobile, he just wants to go and go and go. LOL I wish we had a more baby proof house now. Stairs are not a good thing. Can't wait till Pat retires and we move. We are definitely buying a rancher this time. One floor is much better for grandkids. LOL

Well, I guess that is about it at the moment. I just wanted to post since I hadn't done that yet for 2009! Time sure is flying!!