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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Trying to remind myself to breathe still.....

Have not posted in here in forever.  I tried a paid blog for about a year which is probably why.  I don't write enough to justify paying so here I am again to write sometimes or not....

Things suck.  My Dad has passed away.  He died on March 20th.  He was only 72!!  So I lost my Mom when she was only 59 and my Dad 12 years later at 72.   It truly sucks.  I did not expect to have no parents left at my age. 

I am trying so hard to be ok and not completely fall apart, but this is so hard.  I never imagined it would be this hard.  I thought I was more prepared this time, but quickly realized there is no such thing as being prepared to lose your parent.  I talked to Dad almost daily.  The realization that those calls will no longer come and that I can no longer call him is very tough! 
I miss my Dad so much!!!

Anyway, that's it for now.......