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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Who Am I Kidding????

I'm kidding myself, that is who. I said I would keep up here and even said I was going to post again yesterday or the other day.... heck, what day was it anyway?!? I think my insomnia is getting to me and what a joy tonight will be with the changing of the clocks. Another hour to sleep for most... another hour to be awake for me. Sigh........

Right now I am waiting for teens to come home. Always a fun time of night for me. Brit worked until 11 and should be on her way home and Ash is due home by 12, which of course she will push right to that moment! ha ha. I keep wondering..... did I do that too when I was a teen? Due in at a certain time and walk in right on the dot?!? Probably, but I would like to say that I didn't. ha ha

Would love to get that answer from Mom, but she is gone, unfortunately. Not about to ask Dad because whether I did or not, he would swear I did! @@ <--------- that is an eye roll!

Loving my new tv that I got for my birthday a few weeks ago. A nice 50" plasma. Watched Avatar on it tonight and Wow was it crisp!! Great movie too!

Yay, a car pulled in which means one teen home, one to go! It's Britney, of course, since she was just coming home from work. Well, I'm off to hear about her night at work. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Allowing too much time to go by

I have realized that I am allowing too much time to go by without writing here. I honestly want to make a better effort as writing has always been such a source of pleasure for me, as well as very therapeutic for me!

Had a wonderful dinner tonight with Pat & the girls. It is a rare occasion these days when all 4 of us are around the table together. I admit that I am feeling some serious empty nest syndrome these days. Time sure has a way of flying!! Britney will be 19 on November 16th and Ashley will be 18 on December 29th. When did they grow up? Sometimes I feel as if I have missed it along the line, even though I really didn't!

Britney is doing awesome in cosmetology school. She loves it and is excited about the future. I am very happy to see her enthusiasm. Ashley is doing well in her senior year of high school. She wants to go into elementary education so we are now ready to apply to colleges and do all the fun stuff involved in that (fun said sarcastically as I'm stressed out actually). But I am excited for her next step in life too. It's just all going so fast!!

So much more to say as so much more has happened, but will type more later. :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I know, I know.....

I know, so much for staying on top of blogging. It's now August! Oh well, do the best I can. Some day, maybe I will actually keep up with something. Doesn't seem that I keep up with much these days!

Missing Mom a lot right now. Just a lot going on in life and when things get tough and I get down, I miss Mom so much more! Missing my mother-in-law a lot right now too. It all really sucks! Sigh...

Girls are doing good. Both working at Wawa (different ones). Making decent money and getting good hours. Britney starts tech school on September 8th. Ashley doesn't go back to school until September 20th. She is a senior this year and our final one! Very bittersweet!

Guess I just don't have much to say, or all I would be saying would be depressing and I have said all along that I will not turn this blog into a big depression thing! So, I will end this here. Going to head to bed soon anyway. Tired tonight, not that I will sleep anyway. Ugh!!

Good night!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Yes, it is June and I have not posted in my blog since September. I am soooooo bad about this. I always say I will do better, but truth is, we all know better!

I'm sure tons has happened since September, so no sense trying to even remember the last months. Moving forward. June, June, June.

Britney graduates in less than 2 weeks. Can not believe she is going out into the real world now. Where has the time gone?!? Wasn't she just a little girl last week?? Sure seems like it. On top of her graduating, I will also have a senior again. Ashley already had senior pictures taken at school. Unbelievable!!!

Wednesday night is Senior Showcase. Brit will be singing a couple of times that I know of. Saturday is chorus banquet. We have had banquets, concerts, etc... over the last few weeks as well. It has been non stop lately. She will graduate on the 17th and we are having a big bbq party for her on the 19th. I think I will finally breathe on the 20th. Ha Ha

Right now I am working on organization in my home. I am trying to get back into being organized, neat, tidy, etc... Not that my house is a mess, because it definitely isn't, but there is some clutter that I can do without in my life. Also tired of my old decorations, so planning to get rid of them and replace knick knack shelves with pictures. Much more tidy.

I am very excited. I just got a movie ticket for 10 cents. I am making hubby take me to a movie tomorrow. Ha ha. I love promotions when I catch them on time. :) That will make 2 movies in 2 weeks for us. We went to see Nightmare on Elm Street last week. Now we are going to see Letters to Juliet. I love date night with Pat! :)

Well I am off to do some more stuff around the house. Will put dinner in the oven in a little bit as well. Busy, busy, busy!

Happy June!!