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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nationals and more.........

The band had Nationals on Friday. So glad competition season is now over. We were exhausted this season! Anyway, we took 4th at Nationals which isn't bad at all! We were the highest NJ band in our group and also beat the band that beat us the week prior at Northern Championships. Just goes to show we should have won those as well if it weren't for one judge that had a preference for a marching drumline over a stationary one. Oh well, we know that our kids were on top of their game then and at Nationals. We are so proud of them!

It was really weird because as of Friday night, it was like a weight was lifted around here. Especially for Britney. She told Pat yesterday while they were out practicing paralell parking and stuff that she is so much more relaxed now that it's over. All of the stress seems to have disappeared now and she is back to being happy go lucky again. Thank goodness! I don't think my stress will lift until after Santa Breakfast in December, unfortunately!

Britney & Sarah are making cupcakes right now. Yum! Can't wait to have one. LOL Ashley is out and about at the moment. We are just relaxing and watching some football. It's been a pretty good Sunday here.

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