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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Should Be Sleeping

Yep, I should be sleeping, but here I am again. Ugh! Well, it's 12:17am, so it is officially my birthday! Happy Birthday to me! Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

Tonight we had my birthday dinner. It was a complete flop, which does not surprise me one bit. Only people to show were my Dad, Chrissy & Branden, John, and Erene. Brit's boyfriend, JD ran by after he got off work to give me a card. I thought that was very sweet of him! He's a good kid! Let's see, I don't think Chrissy even really said happy birthday to me at all (well, I guess singing happy birthday is saying it, so maybe she did?!?). The night seemed to turn into more about Branden and Chrissy than my birthday. :( It tends to always happen, so guess I should not be surprised about that either. Sigh..... These are the reasons I tend to not want to bother with more than just us for my birthday. I end up doing stuff, like cleaning up for my own celebration and then others monopolize Pat during that time, etc... Maybe I'm just being selfish, but damn it, it was MY birthday celebration!! When do I ever think of myself?? I definitely do not think one night a year making it about me is so wrong?!? Oh well, life goes on.

Now that it's my real birthday, I wonder how many will actually bother calling me to say happy birthday or anything?!? Won't surprise me if nobody does, honestly. Such is life. Okay, yes, I miss Mom!!!! Mom would never forget it or make my day about anything else. She always made sure that I knew it was about me at least that one day a year. :( These are times when I miss her the most.

Anyway, I did get lots of nice stuff from Pat and the girls. Of course, I did pick most of it out. Pat did surprise me with a nice album for my ATC's, so I was happy about that. Aside from that, the girls did also include nice letters in my box of craft stuff. Even Erene included a nice little letter. So sweet! So, besides the album, I got a big box full of craft stuff for my craft room, a new printer with a photo editing software, and a couple of books! :) Pat wants to take me to dinner for my actual birthday. I have to figure out how we can manage that one. Ashley has to stay after school for basketball and Britney has to go back to school for band rehearsal. Not sure how the heck we can manage to go out to dinner, but we will figure something out, I suppose.

Well, it is now almost 12:30 and I suppose I really should try to get some sleep tonight. I'm considering sleeping my birthday away. Maybe I'll stay in bed all day?!? Yeah, like I could do that. LOL Good night!

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