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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When Did She Grow Up?

Well, we finally bought Britney her first car. I can't help but wonder when she grew up from that little girl that I remember so well? It's pretty scary. I guess bittersweet is really the right word for it. I'm excited for her and for all of the new things ahead for her and even for our relationship. But, at the same time, I miss my baby! Sigh..... Life marches on whether you are ready for it to or not, I guess.

So, tomorrow is my birthday! Yippee!! Not! LOL Tonight we are having my birthday dinner here at he house. I'm sure it will be nice, even if I'm not real into having everyone over for my birthday. I tend to miss Mom a lot on my birthday. I am excited to see Branden tonight though. I haven't seen him in a few weeks and he grows so fast these days! I will, of course, take tons of pictures. LOL

This weekend coming up will be a crazy one. Football game Friday night. The girls have PSAT's on Saturday morning. Brit has a competition Saturday afternoon and into the night. Sunday is Branden's christening, but the dumbass band director also through another competition in for that day. We are pissed about that!! Tony, Jen & Gian are coming up for the weekend for the christening. I'm excited to see Gian, but won't get much time with him! Ugh!! I honestly can not wait until competition season is over this year!

Well, going to put some pictures of Britney and her new car in this post now!


Tammy said...

I miss my baby too...yet I am also so excited for Caitlin's future. Bittersweet all the way!

Sherri said...

LOL I felt the same way when Alyssa turned 18. Very bittersweet but excited for her. Sigh..they grow so fast.

Candy said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love blog swaps :-)

My daughter is 12 and I know that the day of her driving is just around the corner. The next four years will go by quickly.... WWAAA!!!!